2025 Summer Colleges Staff Application

Below you will find our application with a list of the different positions offered. Please select which positions you would like to be considered for. You may select more than one. Please also review the job descriptions carefully to ensure you are qualified for each individual job that you select. If there are any special considerations in the descriptions, please address them in your personal statement below.

YSS Summer Colleges job descriptions may be viewed and downloaded at the Summer Staff Page.
Yale Summer Session Residential Life
Yale Summer Session Residential Life
The application deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025 at 5:00 pm EDT.
Permanent Home Address
Permanent Home Address
Have you held a summer position with the YSS Summer Colleges or the FSY Programs before?
Have you held a summer position with the YSS Summer Colleges or the FSY Programs before?
Will you have any other commitments this summer (e.g., another job, internship, research)?
Will you have any other commitments this summer (e.g., another job, internship, research)?
Do you plan to take courses this summer at Yale Summer Session?
Do you plan to take courses this summer at Yale Summer Session?
Are you currently in academic good standing?
Are you currently in academic good standing?

Please upload your unofficial transcript below. You will not be able to submit your application without uploading it first. Below are instructions on how to access your unofficial transcript:
  1. Visit https://yub.yale.edu/
  2. Login using you NetID and Password
  3. Select Academics on the left sidebar
  4. Select Unofficial Transcript - Undergraduate
  5. Right-click, Select: Print
  6. Print to PDF
  7. Save the file on your desktop as Lastname, First Name_Transcript.pdf
  8. Upload your transcript pdf in the file upload button below

I have read and understand the job description(s) of the position(s) I have selected above, and, should I be hired for a position, I agree to comply with all policies and rules contained therein.
I have read and understand the job description(s) of the position(s) I have selected above, and, should I be hired for a position, I agree to comply with all policies and rules contained therein.