2025 Summer Session Field Trip Form

This form must be completed and submitted three days before the planned academic field trip. Trips that require assistance from Yale Summer Session to arrange transportation, tickets, etc must be submitted NO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS before the field trip.

Questions should be addressed to yss.academicaffairs@yale.edu. Faculty must also review the Yale College Academic Field Trip guidelines available here: https://yalecollege.yale.edu/policies-procedures/academic-field-trips. Please note that filling out this form serves as providing the information requested in #7.

If your field trip is entirely on campus, you do not need to fill out this form.
Date of Field Trip
Date of Field Trip
Will you need assistance booking transportation or tickets? (Please note we need at least two weeks to arrange transportation)
Will you need assistance booking transportation or tickets? (Please note we need at least two weeks to arrange transportation)
Is this field trip optional?
Is this field trip optional?
If this trip is optional, instructors should download this waiver form, customize it for their field trip, and ensure that all students who are attending, fill it out. Instructors are responsible for collecting and retaining the waiver forms of all students who attend optional field trips associated with their course.
The faculty member or some other responsible University official designated by the faculty member must accompany all academic field trips. While teaching assistants may participate in academic field trips, a teaching assistant is not an appropriate leader for such a trip.