Because Yale Summer Session reviews applications and admits students on a rolling basis, some courses may fill and close to further enrollment before the application deadline. Yale Summer Session offers a wide variety of courses, both in New Haven and online, so we hope that, in such cases, students are able to identify other courses that fit their needs and interests. Please review our courses here.
This form is reserved for Yale Summer Session students who, for exceptional and compelling reasons, seek enrollment in a particular course, which has been closed to further enrollment. For Session A courses, we will begin to review these forms on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, and continue to review forms received by Friday, May 17, 2024, at 5:00pm EDT. For Session B courses, we will begin to review these forms on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, and continue to review forms received by Friday, June 21, 2024, at 5:00pm EDT. Yale Summer Session will consider current course enrollment numbers, a student’s reasons for needing to take the course in Yale Summer Session this summer, and other teaching and administrative logistics. Priority will be given to Yale College students.
Admission to a closed Yale Summer Session course is rare and not at all guaranteed. Decisions are solely at the discretion of Yale Summer Session and are final.
This form constitutes a formal request to enroll, and if it is approved, you will be automatically enrolled in the course requested above. Thus, you must also specify below if you will or must withdraw from another course if this form is approved. That course withdrawal would be automatically processed at the same time as the approved course addition and would be final. If this form is not approved, however, the course withdrawal will not be processed and, if still desired, should be requested via the Course Change Form before the relevant deadline; see here. Please note that the maximum load in Yale Summer Session is two credits per five-week session, or 2.5 credits if enrolled in a 1.5-credit course and a one-credit course, unless the Dean of International and Summer Programs for Yale College has authorized an exceptional overload. Under no circumstances may a student elect courses with meeting times that overlap. International students who have been issued a student visa through Yale Summer Session must take at least one in-person course per session.